About Me

Thanks for stopping by! Let me introduce myself, I'm Melissa. I want to take this opportunity to tell you a little about myself and why photography, specifically boudoir, is such a passion of mine.

I’ll start by saying in my daily life, I play a lot of roles, seriously, A LOT! I’m a mom to three amazing little kids! I have three young kids, my twins are in elementary school and my little one is in preschool. My husband is a workaholic, he is a firefighter, paramedic, lieutenant for two fire departments. He’s typically gone days at a time (minimum 48+ hour shifts) so don’t be surprised if your galleries and emails from me come through at 2, 3, or 4am (seriously, that's when I get my work done)! I’m mommy all day and back to businesswoman by night! Aside from my family, my three greatest loves are Elvis, my Soap Operas, and Photography! Before I go on…Yes I have my hands full, and no, I really don’t sleep – those are the two questions I’m asked ALL THE TIME, so now we have that out of the way...

I left my previous career when my twins were born. Although I loved staying home with them, my heart was full, but I felt there was still a piece of me that was missing, come to find out, that piece was ME. I became 100% devoted to living my life for my kids and I soon realized that what I needed to do to become a better mom was to take time to care for myself too. I was lonely. I went from working in a field where I was meeting new people every day to going days at a time without any adult interaction. I started doing photography on the side, with the plan being to go back to my previous career once my kids were in kindergarten, little did I know that my side hustle would soon turn into a full blown career! And early 2021, when my kids were in kindergarten, instead of going back to my old job, I signed my first lease and opened up my studio!

After becoming a mom, I spent many years struggling to find the time, make the time, to take care of myself, but once I started shooting boudoir, I realized that this IS my way of taking care of myself! Lifting up other women, empowering them, supporting them, helping them to see themselves in a way they didn't think was possible again, helping them to fall in love with themselves again, it brings me so much joy and is so fulfilling to be able to give that gift to someone! And it's not only the day of their photo shoot, but again when they have their gallery reveal, again when they receive their products, and knowing they will forever remember that experience and can look back at those photos any time they need to feel lifted up.

Every day when I drop my kids off to school, the last thing I tell them is, "Don't forget to make someone smile!" Recently, my 6 year old said to me, "Mommy, I know why you like taking pictures so much! Because you get to make people smile!" I never looked at it that way before, but she managed to sum it up perfectly! I would love to extend an invitation to you to come and find out more about what we're all about. Let us make you smile...let us help you rediscover yourself again...Let us help you fall in love with yourself again...